Overhead Sewer Installation and Repair

Give us a call to schedule your free estimate to have an overhead sewer or other flood control system installed or serviced.

Regular Maintenance

Call us for regularly scheduled service Monday- Friday 8am – 5pm

Emergency Service

Emergency flooding service is available 24/7 even on holidays.

Contact Us


Tel 877-588-6363

Fax 847-838-2934

Overhead Sewer Service

An overhead sewer is a type of flood control system. The overhead sewer system redirects sewage from plumbing fixtures on the upper floors of your home to a new sewer line running above the basement floor. This line typically runs along the basement ceiling which is overhead. This design changes the house’s original drainage system.

Outside, the original house sewer line’s connection to the city or village sewer main is closed off. A clean-out is then installed for rodding purposes.This keeps the basement dry from city sewer backup. 

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